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Di artikel part 12 ini yang juga part terakhir dari rangkaian cerita YoRipe Everyday Hero, kita akan berbagi cerita tentang creators bersama keluarganya yang super suportif. Yuk deh, mending kita simak cerita creators kita dibawah ini! :D…
Di artikel part 6 ini, kita akan berbagi cerita para Generasi Z yaitu para pemuda pemudi yang aktif dan tentunya produktif yang lekat banget dengan dunia digital, itulah sebabnya mereka memanfaatkan momen untuk menjadi digital content creator di usia muda. Mau tau ceritanya? Cek this out!…
It’s back! Let the kids show off their cooking talents 👩‍🍳👨‍🍳 For season 2, we have made it more exciting! More nominations, more prizes, more judges & more! BUT something doesn’t change, voting remains at 50%. Half of the chance to win is in your hands.…
SG Cookathon 2020, Singapore’s first Cooking & Baking festival unites the community to show love through home cooking. Come join in festive season fun, bond with your loved ones and share so we can eat better and live well.…
It’s back! Let the kids show off their cooking talents 👩‍🍳👨‍🍳 For season 2, we have made it more exciting! More nominations, more prizes, more judges & more! BUT something doesn’t change, voting remains at 50%. Half of the chance to win is in your hands.…